
Another of the more recent famous UFO sightings occurred on 19th September, 1976 in Teheran, Iran.

An Iranian officer at the military control center started receiving reports of a large white light beaming down onto the local streets and houses. At first he thought the calls might be hoaxes/pranks played by the local youth. However, the calls kept on coming and coming so he decided to take a look for himself.

When he looked out in the general direction of where the reports were coming from he noticed a huge, brilliant glowing mass, hovering above the city. He immediately called the Shahrokhi Air Base and told them to launch a Phantom Jet fighter to investigate.

A Phantom was launched and was piloted by 23 year old Jafari. Jafari started to close down on the bright light he described it as "It's half the size of the moon.... radiating colours...violet, orange and white light."

As he got within a mile or so of the object it suddenly shot away a tremendous speed. He tried in vain to try and catch the object but even going at full speed the other craft was still pulling away.

He was just about to return to base when he called the Tower and said "Something is coming at me from behind...It is 15 miles away...now 10 miles...now 5...It is level now. I think it's going to crash into me....". After several seconds the tower were relieved to hear Jafari report "It has just passed by...missing me narrowly.".

This incident prompted the military sources to launch a second Phantom. Once again the pilot closed within a mile or so of the object when it suddenly moved away, however, this time it appeared to fire a ball of light towards the Phantom. The pilot immediately tried to fire one of his AIM9 heat seeking missiles at the object but as soon as he tried he had a complete electrical failure and nothing would work.

The ball of light that had been fired from the strange craft missed the second jet by inches, it then performed a U-turn and 'docked' once again with the main craft.

Due to the brightness of the objects both pilots had to circle for an hour before there sight was good enough to land the plane.

A secret U.S Secretary of Defence dossier stated that this case was "a classic which meets all the criteria necessary for a valid study of the UFO phenomenon."

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